We are committed to the idea that all good ministry stems from a sound doctrinal base covering a wide range of Christian disciplines.


In recognition of the differences and uniqueness of our calling, our ministries, our study needs, and our purpose, we offer flexible bible study programs tailored to meet your study or ministry needs by, online, distance education, or in local church bible colleges or study groups.


United Christian Bible University is a non-denominational; we are Pentecostal and Charismatic in flavour.  Our Biblical theology is attractive to denominational and independent churches alike and ideally suited to ministry training.

We offer our courses by online,distance Education to individual students by email, PDF files or regular mail services with books.  We also establish Local Church Bible Colleges empowering the local church ministry team to train and develop their members for ministry in their community and the world beyond.


You can earn your ministry degree without leaving your home, job, family or your church, earning internationally recognized awards from where you are!

                                        OUR AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:

  • To inspire our students to define their purpose in life, mission legacy and to attain their full potential and dreams in life.
  • UCBU accommodates adult students by meeting their individual needs and creating flexible, designed, and accessible learning environments.
  • Sustainability affordability and ultimate satisfaction are among our major aims
  • To impact revelation knowledge of the word of God and anointing of the Holy Spirit to Christians who desire to fulfill the great commission consecrate,

                                  OUR VISION STATEMENT:           

To see students so well-trained and skillfully operating in the fullness of God’s Word that they are equipped to teach others to do the same with faith, integrity and excellence.

To perpetuate the knowledge and understanding of the walk of faith by application of God’s Word and His Spirit for the work of the ministry.

                                           OUR MISSION STATEMENT

We are established to serve as a world-class institution of biblical higher education, providing skillful Word of Faith-based instruction with integrity and excellence.

                                                       CORE VALUES:

  • We put the Word of God first place.
  • We live by faith.
  • We walk in love.
  • We pray about everything.
  • We honor God and are led by the Holy Spirit.